Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today there is a Little Less of Me...

Check out my progress ticker to the right....see what I see? That's right boys and girls, I lost 1.2 pounds this week!!! Woo Hoo...that is .2 pounds MORE than my goal of 1lb per week! It is also impressive considering I wasn't so great with my eating last Saturday, and by not so great, I mean I was awful...ate tons of "non WW friendly foods"...starting the morning with Butter Braid bread and ending the evening with a Peanut Buster Parfait from Dairy Queen...It helps that I was surgical with my diet the rest of this week, ate tons of vegetables and lean protein, drank a ton of water, and got a couple of workouts in before weigh in!

And speaking of working out...I made good on my promise yesterday and got to the gym this morning and plan to do the same tomorrow morning...Anyhow, I am proud of myself and want to share something with you that has helped me get through the last two weeks. Our WW leader gave this to us and it is a pretty awesome way to keep things in perspective, stay focused, and you will reach your goal!

If I Lost 1 LB. Each Week of 2010
By Valentine's Day I'd be 7 lbs lighter
By St. Patrick's Day I'd be 11 lbs lighter
By Easter I'd be 16 lbs lighter
By Memorial Day I'd be 23 lbs lighter
By Flag Day I'd be 25 lbs lighter
By Independence Day I'd be 27 lbs lighter
By Labor Day I'd be 36 lbs lighter
By Columbus Day I'd be 41 lbs lighter
By Halloween I'd be 44 lbs lighter
By Thanksgiving I'd be 47 lbs lighter
By Christmas I'd be 51 lbs lighter
By New Year's Eve I'd be 52 lbs lighter

I look at that list everyday and imagine how I am going to look and feel in just a few short months! I will be celebrating Memorial Day in a bikini!!!! Like I said in my earlier post, I cannot wait for Halloween this year! This list is like a checklist for me. And I cannot wait to begin checking off the holidays this year. They are going to come and go whether I lose weight or not...why NOT tie them to something else meaningful this year?


  1. Im so borrowing your list! And I have to say - OMG! Those shoes (over there-->>>) are divine!

  2. Don't know you but we share a friend in April. I love this list!! I copied and pasted it and I will look at it daily. A pound a week doesn't sound like a lot, until you look at it this way. Thanks for the motivation!

  3. Borrow away! I am happy to help out! This list has kept me in check quite often lately! Thanks for reading my blog and for the comments. :)
