Friday, January 8, 2010

It's THAT Time of Year Again....Girl Scout Cookies..God help me!

Just when I was happy going along my merry way, going to the gym, losing weight, feeling GREAT, I get hit over the head with a FB post reminding me it is time to order Girl Scout Cookies!!! Holy shit, is it really THAT time of year AGAIN? . Now don't get me wrong, I love the Girl Scouts, love their calendars, love their cookies, I was a Girl Scout, I cannot wait for my daughter to be a Girl Scout. But, MUST they tempt me EVERY spring with their diet wrecking, fat ass creating, artery clogging, crack like cookies? Which by the way will now cost $4 a box?

Remember when GS cookies used to only be available through an order form and cost $2.50 a box? If you missed it, oh well, you had to watch with saliva dripping out of your mouth while your co-workers received their cookies and wait for another year to get your chance. Those cookies, that not only tempt me to buy them in the break room at work, by neighborhood girls, and any cub scout in my sons pack that has a sister in GS, but now tempt EVERY time I walk into a grocery store, Target, Wal-Mart, etc for three to four weeks! Don't even get me started on the marketing genius who came up with that concept!

It isn't the fact that it is THAT time of year that has me in a tizzy, it is that I am going to have to dig deep inside of my core to muster the herculean strength it is going to take me to resist them this year! You don't understand my friends...well my husband does...but I used to buy at least $100 in cookies over the course of their campaign. I would order from friends, family, co-workers. And would top off my purchases giving into those cute girls in pig tails dressed in green soliciting me in front of establishments I HAD to visit and buy more! I mean, what if I ran out? Was I going to have to wait an ENTIRE year to get them again? My Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Lemon Chalet's? Eff no! I was justified to stock up for 12 months! And the price didn't deter me. I justified the overinflated cost of these cookies because they were GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!

All of those boxes....all of the freezer and cupboard space, all of that FAT. Jesus give me the strength.

To calm me down this afternoon, I did some WW friendly research. For any of you WW girls who have the same affinity for these cookies as I do. I stuck to my favorites, but you can get the nutritional content on or

  • Thin Mints 4 points for 4 cookies, or 1 point a piece...but who in the hell can only eat ONE thin mint cookie? I could blow two days of points allowance with one sleeve during the movies!
  • Lemon Chalet- 4 points for 3 cookies, or 1.3 points a piece
  • Tagalongs- 4 points for 2 cookies, or 2 POINTS EACH!
  • Samoas- 4 points for 2 cookies
Again, I am not blaming the GS for my poor eating habits. But, eating lard right out of the container is less points than a box of these cookies. And admit it people, you HAVE eaten a box of them in one sitting...

So listen up you tiny and cute green little cookie selling monsters, this year, please don't be offended if I pass right on by the order form in the break room, don't answer my door when you ring my bell, avoid any Cub Scouting events you will be soliciting at, or walk right on by you like I didn't hear your cute little sales pitch. I still love you. I just love my soon to be healthy heart and skinny ass more.


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