Monday, August 30, 2010

Just keep swimming....

In the famous words of Dory the sweet blue fish in Finding Nemo, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming, what do we do? We swim swim swim!

I've been on quite a roller coaster lately. But the one thing I have had complete control over is my weight loss. I have gone extreme and cut out sugar and carbs... Given up caffeine which means no coffee or Diet Coke either....and started doing yoga on a regular basis. I feel great about myself! Not only have I been rewarded with healthy self esteem but my clothes are getting too big!

I'm tracking to my goal people and I feel fan fucking tastic!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Weight Update

OMG!!!! Do you see that ticker thingy over there ===>>?

That is right people, I am down 14 pounds!!!!!!! I am so excited I cannot see straight!

So, my goal of losing 40 before I am 40 became a bit unrealistic after a doctors visit last week. Apparently my body shape, size, etc should really not be less than 140, which is okizzay with me! What that means is, I am 23 pounds away from my goal...and my shoes! And I still have 165 days to go....I CAN DO THIS. I AM GOING TO DO THIS!!!!!!! I am so proud of myself right now.

Being on a diet sucks. I'm just being honest. I mean who enjoys weighing their food, counting points, watching everything you put into their body? NOT ME! Which is how I ended up with all of this extra weight. Since starting this jouney back in January I have been off and on the wagon. Lost and gained...lost and gained again...but now, this...14 pounds it motivating... it is close to my all time weight loss of 15 pounds several years ago. But I am taking it day by by day...that saying is starting to have a lot of meaning to me.

Go me!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Damn! This has been one LONG week. Let's recap:

I traveled Sun-Tues
Attended marriage counseling
Celebrated baby girls 3rd birthday
Changed my mindset on so many things
Cleaned my house from top to bottom
Helped two friends with life problems, even if it was only just by listening
Spent tonight with my wonderful sisters preparing for a 3 year old birthday party
Decorated a Princess Arial birthday cake...the ones with all the stars piped out of hand is cramped but it looks awesome!

All in all it was a busy and stressful week and I am so glad it is the weekend!

I am looking forward to a new week next week!

Peace out!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

Three years ago today we were blessed with our baby girl. After a couple failed and painful attempts at having a second child we gave it one more try. Could be the fertility statue I rubbed in a castle in Ireland, could be that my mother had a talk with God and Mother Nature, could be that we were just ready. Whatever it was, I remember the tears we cried when we found out I was pregnant and there was a viable heartbeat. I remember the absolute joy we felt when we found out it was a girl. I remember how beautiful I felt all throughout my pregnancy. I remember going to the hospital for the delivery and I remember the minute she was born. She was more beautfiul than I pictured and she was healthy and I was once again in love.

She is definitely a handful and putting our parenting skills to the test with the terrible twos but the good definitely outweighs the odds.

I love your laugh
I love your personality
I love your curly hair
I love the way you make me feel with just a smile and hug
I love how you dance freely when music is playing
I love the artwork that adorns our kitchen table
I love that you are curious and smarter than I could have ever dreamed
I love that you are ALL girl, barbies, books, babies, and princesses oh my!
I love that you want me to paint your nails
I love that I get to see your daddy melt when you doing ANYTHING
I am excited to teach you all the things you need to know to be a strong woman
I love that I must have done something right to be blessed with you!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl! You are my salvation, heart, and soul and I wouldn't change one thing about you!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Taking stock....

I am indeed blessed. I have been doing inventory of my life and deciding what stays and what goes. I have been making lists in a journal....Many many lists just to get the clutter out of my head so I can sleep at night and focus at work during the day. One of my lists is what I truly can and cannot live without:

I can do without the crap that I have accumulated over the years...clothes, shoes, purses, scrapbooking supplies that could fill a warehouse.

I can do without all the material things in my life. I love nice things and have spent some serious coin on stupid shit that just gathers dust and doesn't really impress anybody.

I can do without my overpriced vehicle, though it is functional and not flashy

I can do without the constant pressure I put on myself to be the person everyone expects me to be

I can do without the guilt I constantly feel when I think I have let someone down

I can do without friends that constantly drain my bucket and refuse to fill it when I am dehydrated

I can do without society's unrealistic definition of what is beautiful and sexy based on outward appearances. Even the hottest men and women are unattractive if they are ugly on the inside

I CANNOT live without my children
I CANNOT live without my sisters, brother, nieces or nephews
I CANNOT live without my amazing girlfriends
I CANNOT live without my ability to provide a good home, food, and clothes for my family
I CANNOT continue to be a fool and only see the good in people...not all people are good and not all people deserve my trust right out of the gate
I CANNOT live a lie anylonger

It's funny how the lists differ and it is refreshing to get my priorities straight and out on paper.

Life is actually good now that I have decided on a path no matter how scary that path is....I'm going to follow my heart which has been screaming at the top of its lungs at me for far too long....

Wish me luck....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

True Friends

I have been relying on my friends a lot lately. I truly do not know what I would do without the amazing people in my life I am lucky enough to call true friends. I saw this poem and thought it was appropriate for my post today:


A best friend
is always there,
whether you need advice,
or a pep talk,
or even a shoulder to cry on.
A best friend
listens with her heart
and is always honest with you,
even though the truth
may not be
what you want to hear.
A best friend
knows all your secrets,
understands your fears
shares your dreams.
A best friend
never stops believing in you
even if you give up
on yourself.
you are
that kind of friend
to me.
And no matter what happens,
you always will be.
You are my best friend....
my forever friend.
- Renee Duvall

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Travel Playlist

Music is a critical part of my life. It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it takes me from today to a moment back in time instantly. Every month I travel, I make a new playlist. It depends on the mood I am in and what I want to be thinking about on my 6 hour flight. This week, I was feeling a little down. Going through a rough time in my life on so many levels and missing my mom so much my heart hurts! Five years has gone by so fast. I feel like she is slipping away from me at a time when I could use her advice more than I ever have. She was the only person I would share my burden with. She would not judge me for my actions, my selfishness or my absolute stupidity. She would tell me, "life is short Andrea, be happy."  I would give anything just to hear those words from her right now.

This playlist was AWESOME. It was the perfect mix of fun and meloncholy all at the same time. And it brought me back in time and helped me remember her in good times and bad.

1. Missing You (my all time favorite song)- Diana Ross
2. Runaway Train- Soul Asylum
3. Don't Let it End- Styx
4. Separate Ways- Journey
5.Only Time Will Tell- Asia
6. Look Away- Chicago
7.Foolish Heart- Steve Perry
8.Lullaby- Dixie Chicks
9. Cold Day in July- Dixie Chicks
10.Love the Way you Lie- Eminem and Rhianna
11. Run Around Sue- Dions
12. Feeling Good- Nina Simone
13. What a Fool Believes- Doobie Brothers
14. Dust in the Wind- Kansas
15. I Go Crazy- Paul Davis
16. Cat's in the Cradle- Harry Chapin
17. If you Leave me Now- Chicago
18.Losing my Religion- REM
19. The Way you Look Tonight- Frank Sinatra
20. Butterfly Kisses-
21. Time for me to Fly- REO Speedwagon
22. How to Save a Life-Fray
23. Beautiful- James Blunt
24. Last Kiss- Pearl Jam
25. The Dance- Garth Brooks
26. Here without You- 3 Doors Down

Many of these songs remind me of times in my life when my mom was there for me the most. Anytime my heart was breaking, or I let her down, or I felt lonely....

Yes, they may be depressing, but they actually lightened my heavy heart and put me in a good place to do what I need to make things better. These songs are about loss...of love, life, or otherwise...but at the end of the day, there is always somebody out there with worse problems than I have. And just when I think I am alone, God puts someone in my path to remind me that not only am I not alone, I am not crazy.

Peace out!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day One of NaBloPoMo

So I get this email about NaBloPoMo which is the challenge of posting something, anything, every day for the month of August. As if the weekly reminder I haven't updated my blog from my dear friend wasn't enough...I get this, a dare...a double dog dare to post every day....that is 31 days in a ROW! Of course the topic they gave this month was "green"...And I'm all for the environment, I recycle...but that isn't an enticing enough topic for me to blog about.....So I am going to wing it...

I traveled from Arizona to North Carolina today as I do at least once a month every month. Normally I do not travel on Sunday's, but my meeting is on Monday and I had no choice. Here is what I observed in my 6 hour travel adventure:

1. I have been lonely lately...not sure why as I don't have one minute of peace in my everyday life...but a feeling of loniless none the less...I never ever talk to anybody on the plane...and I mean NEVER...It isn't that I am anitsocial, but I am anti-flying...a chicken shit of the airways...anyhoo....I go through my normal ritual of pulling out my iPod and book and put them in my seat as I hoist my bag in the stuffed over head compartment. And low and behold....not only does the Kevin Bacon look alike strike up a converstation with me immediately, I don't have my normal "oh crap, are you going to talk my ear off the entire flight?" feeling! We talk for a good 75% of the flight! I don't read, I don't work, I don't listen to music, I don't even notice the turbulence... I have one of the funnest conversations I have had in  a while! Thank you  Green Bay Packer fan from Charolette by way of Salt Lake City! You were a gift to me today!

2. I am hoping to actually SEE the airport in Charolette NC. I hear it is  beautiful but I wouldn't know as my less than favorite airline makes it so I have to RUN until I puke to make my connection!
3. Some men are still gentlemen.... I'm out of breath, pissed off that I just made my flight, breaking my shoe in the process, and there in seat 1B next to me  is the nicest man on the planet. Not only does he find room in the overhead compartment for my bag, he spends the 28 minute flight talking about his wife of 26 years, his kids and marriage and all of the things I have been struggling with's like God knew I needed you and you were thank YOU commercial real estate romantic from Charolette to Raleigh...
4. If you open your heart, good things DO happen
5. Bloody Mary's on an airplane taste 10 times better than a bar or at home
6. My husband is right, we need to move away from AZ to enjoy the rest of this beautiful country and our marriage, starting with a vacation to Hawaii, or San Fransisco or ANYWHERE!
7. Boys who play college football are hot! Boy from Clemson College in seat 7D reading a book from my favorite author, you can stare at my butt when I am storing my laptop bag under the  seat in front of me anytime. LOL! :)
8. Having flashbacks throughout the flight of your husband jumping you on your new couch when you are teasing him about men at work checking you out, isn't a bad thing....
9. The feeling of losing 8 pounds in 4 weeks is encouraging
10. Using a pen and paper to write down all the clutter in your head is empowering
11. Knowing and embracing confidence as a woman is sexy
12. The Marriott in downtown Durham has the best Caprese Salad, grilled salmon and smoked cream corn ever!
13. Asparagus does in fact make your pee smell funny...:)

That's all I can think of for now, the 3 hour time difference is brutal and my thought process is fuzzy...

more tomorrow!