Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Taking stock....

I am indeed blessed. I have been doing inventory of my life and deciding what stays and what goes. I have been making lists in a journal....Many many lists just to get the clutter out of my head so I can sleep at night and focus at work during the day. One of my lists is what I truly can and cannot live without:

I can do without the crap that I have accumulated over the years...clothes, shoes, purses, scrapbooking supplies that could fill a warehouse.

I can do without all the material things in my life. I love nice things and have spent some serious coin on stupid shit that just gathers dust and doesn't really impress anybody.

I can do without my overpriced vehicle, though it is functional and not flashy

I can do without the constant pressure I put on myself to be the person everyone expects me to be

I can do without the guilt I constantly feel when I think I have let someone down

I can do without friends that constantly drain my bucket and refuse to fill it when I am dehydrated

I can do without society's unrealistic definition of what is beautiful and sexy based on outward appearances. Even the hottest men and women are unattractive if they are ugly on the inside

I CANNOT live without my children
I CANNOT live without my sisters, brother, nieces or nephews
I CANNOT live without my amazing girlfriends
I CANNOT live without my ability to provide a good home, food, and clothes for my family
I CANNOT continue to be a fool and only see the good in people...not all people are good and not all people deserve my trust right out of the gate
I CANNOT live a lie anylonger

It's funny how the lists differ and it is refreshing to get my priorities straight and out on paper.

Life is actually good now that I have decided on a path no matter how scary that path is....I'm going to follow my heart which has been screaming at the top of its lungs at me for far too long....

Wish me luck....

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