Friday, July 2, 2010

Back on the scale again...

On the scale again(queue Willi Nelson "on the road again") ...just hate to get on the scale again....I've spent 3 months getting fatter by the day...oh I hate to get on the scale again... :) I'm a laugh riot...just crack me myself and I up on a daily basis....

Well peeps I did it and I allowed myself exactly 8 hours to be really pissed off! I am back on Weight Watchers which has this annoying policy that you must weigh I did...and not only did I gain my 12 pounds back, I added a few for good measure. Fuck and me! So...I'm not mad anymore, I'm focused. My thyroid is back in check and I am back to getting serious about meeting my goal!

I have updated my counters over there ====> and let me tell you, they WILL NEVER go up again. Today is the first day of the rest of my life right? I am in control. Nobody can force me to not exercise or eat badly. That's on me! I go again...

Stay's time to get smoking hot again!

On a side note...I would like to thank a couple of girls for posting pictures on Facebook that have motivated me to get back on the horse...Hogg and Kell, you two girls look INCREDIBLE! Thank you. :)