Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weight Loss? No way!

Holy cow people! I'm sure many of you are wondering how my 40 pound weight loss goal is coming along. Well let me tell you, until this morning, NOT good! I am going to the doctor this week to get my thyroid thing checked out and to a counselor to get my head checked out, but maybe I don't need to do those things...

For the last few weeks, I have been quickly sinking into a pit of self despair when it comes to my yo-yo like weight. I have avoided that little black box with numbers on it for a while, and just to torture myself today I stepped on it. And guess what??!!! I have lost 5 pounds!

Stress, it is a beautiful thing. It can kill me, but at least it is going to make me skinny before doing so!

Hmmm...this new weight loss has my mind thinking a little clearer and my pants fitting a little looser. With everything going on in my life lately, such as my father being ill, my husband and I both trying to hang on by a thread, trying to lose weight, trying to make everyone else feel good about themselves, my cup is pretty much empty, I have nothing left to give anyone but my children. Not to mention the stress and heartbreak of exterminating people from my life who make me feel bad about myself left and right. But this, this kiss on the cheek from the Man upstairs, is a sign.

Let go...just let go, and everything will be okay!

Okay....I'm letting go.


  1. Yay you! & I'm not talking about the 5 pounds either! I'm talking about you and letting go! (but hey, the 5 lbs. that was awesome too)

  2. Thank you Black Kitteh! I think it is working already. I had a successful day at work with kudos from my customer and came home to flowers. Damn! I should have done this a long time ago...ha ha...
