Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mother of the Year...

My fireplace mantel is overflowing with the trophy's people. I know you are jealous, but don't fret. You too can win a "Mother of the Year" award! We have all done it, our kids have all suffered from it, and  dammit, we should be proud of it!!!

You know what I am talking about. Those little mirrors we call children. The moments when you KNOW they are learning from you. And I don't mean when they brush their teeth, finish their vegetables, and pick up their clothes without being asked. No, I mean the moment you realize they hear every word you say and see every move you make.

There are so many stories I can recall and more get added everyday. So as my gift to you, current and future Mother's of the Year, I am going to share a new MOTY story with you each week! Please feel free to post your own, as I know I am not alone and LOVE to laugh!

MOTY Trophy #1:

My nephew turned 10 this week and we went to my sisters house for dinner to celebrate. When I asked baby girl (2.5 years old) what we should get cousin #9 for his birthday, she thought hard about it and said:
"Mommy, we should get him Smarties, Cheetos, and Nemo Fish Snacks"!!! Apparently, her 3 favorite food groups.

Oh yea, MOTY!


  1. Oh, there are so many to choose from! The first to come to my mind was when my darling little monster was trying to point out a spider that he swore was underneath our gorgeous buffet that sits on top of questionable laminate flooring. When I said 'What do you see, honey?' he replied 'A lot of dust.'

    My cup overfloweth-ed with pride.

  2. DutchMac...Love it!!! Thanks for sharing!
