Friday, May 7, 2010

Something happened on the way to awesome....

As the first half of this year quickly winds down, I am checking in with you all on my progress towards my 40 before I am 40 goal. I started out strong and then sort of got derailed on my way to awesome. I was working really hard and seeing results, and then BAM…nothing was happening even though I was still trying really hard. I am pretty in tune with my body and I knew something was definitely wrong!

I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason and there are people in this world we are destined to meet. Our spouses, our children, our closest friends, and yes even sales clerks at the Aveda store in Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall. While talking to this girl about my recent frustrating and even more embarrassing hair loss, she and I discovered we had the same issue. Hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid….She asked me how my doctor was treating my condition and suggested I go see a Naturopath; a doctor that specializes in homeopathic medicine. These amazing people hunt down the root cause of what makes you feel like crap and treat that instead of the symptoms! What a concept! Encouraging your body to heal itself naturally instead of prescribing medications that have such horrible side effects that don’t ever make you better!

I truly believe in this…so I went…I filled out the 20 page very personal questionnaire…I mean how does knowing how many times I masturbate each week matter to a naturopath???  MY doctor never asked me that…it was a rectal exam on paper. But, I wanted…no needed to be honest in order to heal myself so I completed this 20 page interview…and two 2 hour apts, and $500 later I find out that not only did my doctor not treat my thyroid issue correctly, he scared the living crap out of me about my cholesterol…which come to find out is only a little high but can totally be treated with diet and exercise. Oh and missed a serious Vitamin D deficiency which by the way can cause high cholesterol…What the fuck batman? I am a little more than pissed that I trusted what my doctor said, the doctor who drew my blood and spent a total of 15 minutes with me, and just took the medication prescribed, which by the way, I would have to be on for the rest of my life without ANY relief! Had I not met this girl at Aveda, I may have to had to settle for being fat, crazy, and bald! How hot is that?

So peeps…this incredible doctor not only put me on the correct dose of a natural thyroid, Fish Oil, Vitamin D, supplements that have made my skin and nails gorgeous, she talked to me…truly listened to me….learned who I was and what was troubling me, and more importantly, she gave me peace of mind that I am going to be just fine.

I tell you what, at my first appointment, she recommended a “clean eating” diet which I am now following, and within one week, my symptoms are MUCH less noticeable. I am not tired, grouchy, bloated, or foggy. Like I said, my skin and nails are glowing and happy and I have enough energy to make it through the ass kicking workout I am doing.

I’m not one for dishing out medical advice as I firmly believe that western medicine is necessary and heroic in many cases, but I am now a big advocate of alternative medicine as well!

I am back on my way to AWESOME!!!!!


  1. What does the "cleaning diet" consist of?

  2. Basically eating 6 meals a day which consist of an equal balance of protein and carbohydrates and no sugar. Tons of water and good supplements including Fish Oil. If you google clean eating, it will pull up a TON of information and recipes for you!
