Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST and other shows that jumped the shark with the finale....

Do any of you out there watch LOST? Have you watched it from the beginning or were you like me and my husband who joined the phenomenon late? We started watching/obsessing over this show in between seasons 4 and 5. At which point we watched all 4 seasons within a 2 month period to get "caught up" before season 5 started. We started on a vacation day and were hooked by the first episode. It was exciting to have something that we mutually enjoyed watching on TV. I mean not since Melrose Place has my husband even pretended to be interested in ANYTHING I watch on TV. Well, there are exceptions...Dexter, Entourage, How I Met your Mother, and....well, that's about it. Small compared to the number of shows scheduled to record on my DVR every week...yes, I am a lazy ass who loves to watch TV...Anyway, we were so excited to put the kids to bed, run to the bedroom and start on a new episode! Even the last two seasons when we had to wait with the rest of the LOST watching world for the new episode, we looked forward to Tuesday nights.

However, somewhere between seasons 4 and 5, I started to get really frustrated that every week I left with more questions than answers. And became excessivly pissed when the writers wasted valuable time on "filler" epidsodes giving background and useless facts on characters that had NOTHING to do with the plot.  I stuck with it. I knew there was only one more season and I was PROMISED I watched....and I watched....and I watched...18 times this season! 18 hours of my life I am NEVER going to get back...And by the time the last NEW episode before the series finale, I knew I was going to take it up the ass and never know if any of it was real or fantasy. And sure enough, the writers did not disappoint me.

The finale BLEW! But, I am okay...I don't really need to know how Jack dying on the island brought everyone together in "heaven"...I don't really need to know if the time on the island was real...why the "others" took all the children...why John Locke could walk on the island or why in the hell Jack had a child in the sideways universe that never don't NEED to know those things.

However, not since I read IT by Stephen King have I been so disappointed that a 1400 page book or 6 year series be so incredible up until the last 50 pages, 5 episodes and then FUCK it all up?! I mean really? really? REALLY???? The creepy scary clown that kept me up at night turns out to be a ridiculous giant spider with one eye? And the Island is actually purgatory, which was rebuffed by the writers from the start? Great book...great show...why couldn't they close the deal...follow it through to the end? They are incredible minds...gifted storytellers...why couldn't they close the deal??? I was there...I watched...I cared...

I'm just Seinfeld and Sopranos...the LOST series finale did not leave me wanting left me wondering WTF made these incredibly talented writers bail at the most crucial moment?

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. The last episode of LOST was shown last night in NZ and I have to say it left me disappointed!!! They could have done a much better job
