Saturday, February 5, 2011

I can't open my F*ck*ng car door!

Technology is incredible isn't it? It has taken us to the moon, cured diseases, put us in constant contact with family, friends, and the world in general...what it has also done is make us a little lazy... Lulled us into relying on devices to solve problems as opposed to using good old common sense...

Point? What was my point? Ah yes, my car remote... Sorry, a bit ADHD today! I bought my first car when I was 20 years old. It was red, brand new, beautiful and ALL mine! I didn't care that my left arm was stronger than my right having to ...gasp... Roll the windows down manually, or that I actually had to insert the key into the lock to open the door.

Somewhere along the way, the Japanese geniuses thought "how cool would it be if you could unlock your car before you actually got to the door?" pretty damn cool! Enter the keyless remote entry technology that every new car manufactured since the late 90's comes equipped with.

I was so excited the first time I had a car with one. I felt I had made it..I was cool...see me and my new car that I can lock and unlock with this neat key fob....woo hoo...but the excitement wore off somewhere after the 2nd and 3rd cars I bought came with keyless entry..

Well, like all things in life you take for granted when the newness wears off, they have a way of slapping you upside the head to remind you that you are a dumb ass!

What the hell do you do when the fob stops working? It honestly takes you a few LONG minutes to realize that the good old "stick the key in the lock and turn" methodology works!

Not embarrassed to admit that this dumb ass did just that the other day when my remote stopped working... My car just would not open no matter how many times I pressed the remote...which by the way was a lot! I honestly stood there dumbfounded thinking How the eff am I going to get home if I can't open the door? OMFG!really?? Quite a humbling experience...

That and the fact that when I did break the seal and use the key to open my door, I discovered that the jerks at Honda made it so the key sets off the alarm and the car won't start until you push a button to disable the alarm...a little nugget that I didn't learn until this morning when I came to get the magic fob fixed...Apparently there was a "notice" that went out..a notice I never received... A notice that would have saved me the embarrassment of having my boss, who parks behind me, walk out and hear my alarm going off and me cussing up a you know how loud a car alarm is in a parking garage??? And how many cuss words I know? It was awesome!! is wonderful...But the good old fashioned manual use of your brain should never be taken for granted!

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