Friday, February 4, 2011

Filter? What the hell is it and how do I get one?

Seriously! I have a chronic disease. In layman's terms it is called diarrhea of the mouth. By definition it means spewing forth every thought and feeling in your head without hesitation resulting in complete embarrassment, regret, and hurt feelings.

The root cause is that I feel EVERYTHING! And because I feel everything, my mind is constantly running. I cannot shut it off no matter how hard I try. There is no magic pill and while age has helped, it hasn't cured it by any means. Mix that with my direct, strong personality and you have the perfect storm.

I am a nice person. I care about everyone (some more than I should). I want people to feel good. I feel joy when people share exciting news. I feel pain for people who are suffering. I cry when I watch infomercials for St. Jude's Children's hospital. The problem is, without a filter, sometimes I over share my feelings and those feelings don't always come across the way I want them to.

I don't want to stop feeling. I don't want to stop caring, or sharing my thoughts. But I need a filter...

I'm disappointed that modern medicine has come up with a little blue pill to make an erection last for 4 hours, but has no fucking idea how to create a pill to stop this disease...

I'm thinking if I were a scientist and wanted to impress the shit out of the world, I would spend my life working on those medications..

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! I was also clearly born without the 'edit function' installed properly. When you find a cure, let me know.

    PS - Happy late birthday! I hope it was all you wanted, and more!
