Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Are you one of those people who needs to know why things happen? To have complete control over a situation or it drives you nuts? Constantly question why? Are impatient to know what your future holds when you know what you want it to hold? Or worse, wonder why "bad" things happen to you or others?

No? Well you are one lucky SOB! One of my biggest challenges in life is to question everything! I want to know exactly what is going to happen and when I don't get my answers I do the worst...I THINK the worst! My closest friend calls me a leaper! And it is true! My mind just has a "mind" of its own if you will!

Lately I have been trying to let go. Stop worring about pleasing everyone or trying to control the future...calming my mind and just letting things happen as they will and being okay if they don't turn out the way I hope.

So I'm baby stepping my way through this new philosophy and BAM, my BFF the Queen sends me the most amazing note that says it all. She got it from a fellow awesome blogger The Fat Chick and I absolutley loved it so I am stealing and sharing it with you all. It is so simple it is complicated... :)

"Someday you will understand, you really will. Someday you will understand why you had to learn things the way you had to learn them. Why you have certain people in your life. Why things had to be so hard sometimes. Someday you will understand the way things fell together. The way you were rescued from catastrophes in funny and miraculous little ways. Someday you will understand how you were never, ever alone. Even though you felt alone so many days. Someday you will understand how you were led to the exact place you were meant to be, through crazy twists and turns in the road that you weren't expecting. Be patient with the journey. You may feel completely perplexed, confused and even a little lost. Just keep going. Keep smiling. Keep being you. And someday, you will look to the sky and laugh at how perfectly things happened. And that is when you will understand that it all happened exactly the way it was supposed to, just for you."

WOW! Awesome! If I keep telling myself this, my future will be amazing, even it if isn't how I "planned" it to be. And one day, I will have the answer. Even if it isn't the answer I want, I will have the wisdom to understand it. Ya know?

1 comment:

  1. At our wedding, we had a sort of picture timeline of all the things that had happened in our lives which lead us to meeting each other. Random things like me being hospitalized after a dog bite on my face at the age of 7 and my husband choosing a particular London pub to have lunch in one day.....things that seemed totally unrelated to anything, but without which would have meant we never meant. Some of the events were awful, some very unhappy, some scary as Hell, but they all added up to something wonderful. I love how Fate works like that.

    I'm excited for you for your prospect of 'Someday'.
