Sunday, May 2, 2010

Time to get moving....

As some of you already know, I am the matron of honor in my nieces wedding in September. We went and ordered our dresses today. They are so beautiful, and in MY color. I am going to rock this dress!
No this image is not me. BUT, it will be! I have 4 months to get in better shape. Notice I said better. The dress already looks really great on me. I ordered it in a size that fits me now so as to not add any undue pressure or set myself up for failure. However, I don't want to just look great. I want to look jaw-dropping drop dead gorgeous in this uber sexy dress! Did I mention the wedding is in Vegas? Oh yes, even more reason to look amazing! And I made sure the dress can be altered down by one or two sizes just in case.

Now, onto the "get in shape" plan! I need someone to motivate me, to hold me accountable, which is why I wanted to hire a personal trainer back in January. However, we decided that it did not fit into our budget so I just hit the gym doing my own thing instead. And it was totally working. My arms were getting toned, my stomach was getting flatter and my legs were getting so strong and sexy. I was getting compliments from my husband, friends and co-workers and then I just got in my own way back in March and fell off the wagon...I'm such a pain in my own ass sometimes. (And yes, I know those of you reading, are nodding your head in absolute agreement!) but stop it....:)

What to do?...What to do my fellow bloggers?...I need to see results quickly, or I get discouraged. I started doing this workout by the Beachbody series called Slim in 6 and results came quickly. Like within 2 weeks!
But it wasn't enough variety, I just got bored, and sores on my knees from all the floor work (um...get your head out of the gutter)  My friend is doing the P90x series and  it is working. They are only doing the workout too, not the diet. But after looking at that workout, it just seems a bit too much for me. However, I found this  Chalene Extreme.

I love that it is a 90 day series broken into 3 different phases. And the workouts are different each day of the week so I shouldn't get bored. This is totally doable!

I am going to do the whole program including before and after measurements and photos just to see if it really worked. And, if I get up enough courage, I will post them for all to see.

I will keep you all posted throughout the next 90 days on how it goes! And Kelly, don't give up on me and the Bikram Yoga thing....I need to find the time and $$ to commit to it first.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Once upon a lifetime ago, when I lost 20-some pounds that seemed almost effortless, I did it by making two changes.

    One, I started running. And I HATE running. But it was the only New Year's Resolution I've ever kept, and I'm glad I did. My husband was a leader at NikeTown London's weekly Running Club, and I wanted to be able to join them on the 3-mile run by the end of the year. Not to be the best, just to not make a fool out of myself. By the end of the year.

    I was SHOCKED when I joined them by May.

    I ran the same route near my house, starting out with walking/running. I told myself 'Ok, just run to that bus stop. Now you can walk to the mailbox. Now run to the stoplights. Now walk to the red brick house.' Etc, etc. My walk/run points were the same each time, and I was AMAZED to see that, within a handful of runs, I was able to change the trade-off points and go farther than I thought. Soon enough, I could do the entire circuit.

    But here's the trick ..... I NEVER set specific goals or pushed myself. I let my body determine where I was that day, and go with it. If I wasn't as energetic as the previous run, I didn't stress about it. Conversely, if I felt in better condition and thought I could do more, I didn't let myself sit back and be lazy. I found a level of difficulty I felt confident with, and stuck with that, regardless of what it looked on the outside.

    Second, I made myself have one meal a day that was carb-free. As I have a husband who turns his nose up at the idea of soups, salads, and vegetables, that generally meant lunch at work was my carb-free meal. A big grilled chicken salad, huge bowl of fresh fruit, and yes, maybe even a teensy BITE of chocolate. Totally guilt free. By no means did I starve myself .... I was so full at lunchtime! But I also got around to thinking 'What's the point of all this running if I'm just going to waste the effort eating crap food?!' so I'd often skip bad choices BECAUSE I WANTED TO. On the other hand, if I had a moment of weakness, I wouldn't guilt myself over it, knowing that the next time, I'd not want the junk because it was wasting my running effort.

    What all this rambling means is this: I found two complementary things that I could stick with, I let my body dictate many elements of it, and I didn't allow guilt to factor its way into my life. And yes, it took some time (maybe 4-5 months?) but because it was such an EASY 4-5 months, it felt like no time at all.

    I wish you the best of luck!
