Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life goes by fast...yada, yada, yada....

Just a quick warning to you all this is not my normal happy go lucky post. So if you are looking for a laugh, today is not the day to read my blog...

How many different expressions have you heard about how quickly time flies? Stop and smell the flowers, life is too short to be unhappy, live every day like it's your last, live life to the fullest....the list goes on and on. There are entire bookstores, churches, TV programs devoted to the topic. Reminding people that life is short has become a very lucrative business for many people. It's a simple concept really. One that in most cases finally sinks in when it is too late to do anything about it....And it's easy to say the words....I have heard them so often from so many sources...hell, I've repeated them myself too many times to count... I have become immune to the true meaning behind the sentiment. Until recently....when my father, who is 70 and dying, said the words "I cannot believe how fast it went"...

My dad is ill. Very ill. Of course his ailments are from bad lifestyle choices including many years of alcohol and tobacco abuse. Neither of which matter when you are faced with 3 choices, pull the plug and let nature take its course, keep the plug in and let him get better until the next time, or put him on life support, which he does not want....all 3 suck....all 3 end in the inevitable. Me and my 7 siblings becoming orphans and taking another journey to Ireland to lay him to rest next to his wife, our mother, of 48 years.

Not sure how I feel about that yet. And while my dad may still have many months left ahead of him, I know he is tired. I know he is sad and has been since my mom died 5 years ago. I know he has regrets and has found God in time to ask for forgiveness. I know he has lived 70 long years and feels he didn't take the time to enjoy life, because he had to work so hard to support his family.... and I know our time with him is limited. So, to my dad I say this...
"I love you. Thank you for giving me the most amazing brother and 6 sisters anyone could ask for. Thank you for teaching me how to love with my whole heart no matter the consequences. Thank you for being such an incredible judge of character and keeping me from making mistakes that would alter the course of my life. And even though my childhood was tough and we did without a lot of things, the one thing we never did without was love. And I bet if you ask any rich kid who had everything but love from their parents, they would tell you they wished for love. You raised us to be smart and strong and beautiful on the inside. You taught us to have respect for ourselves,our bodies, our family and others no matter their lot in life. No money on the planet could teach the values I grew up with and am hopefully passing on to my children. For these gifts dad, I thank you and I love you with my whole heart."
I went to a wedding today in which my husband was the best man. It was at a beautiful farm with lots of sun, flowers, animals, and life. It was the type of wedding that makes you love your husband all over again...besides, he looked hot in that suit...And as I sit coloring with my 2 1/2 year old daughter, they played the song that I danced to with my dad at my wedding and the tears started rolling...I didn't even have time to be embarrassed because my daughter looked at me and said "mommy, why you cry? I be a good girl"....I looked up at my husband and my son and realized the name of the song was appropriate...

It was Unforgettable by Nat King Cole and his daughter Natalie Cole....

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