Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day. It has always been one of my favorite holidays. I don't know why, but something about this day makes me smile. I think it all started back in 2nd grade when we got to make mailboxes by sticking construction paper hearts to empty shoeboxes. The purpose of these mailboxes was of course to hold the hundreds of Valentine cards we were going to receive during our Valentine's Day party!

You know what I am talking about! You would come home with a decorated lunch bag filled with cards and candy. You would read EVERY card to see if the cute little boy with dark hair and sparkling blue eyes made the fatal mistake of signing his name to card with a heart on it! boy oh boy...jimmy what's his name loves me....ahhhh...the memories!

Or maybe it started with my dad. My beautiful dad. Every year that I can remember until the year I moved in with my husband, he would buy us a heart shaped box of candy from Sees. I don't remember if the candy even tasted good, all I know is I LOVED waking up and seeing that box on the table in the morning.  My dad set the bar a little too high for the future men in my life... and in turn, every guy I have ever dated on Valentine's Day has had serious pressure put upon them. Unbeknownst to them, their actions on this day would make or break them in our relationship. Good thing for me, and them, my expectations only required a card with my name on it and some sappy sentiment telling me that I am important. That's it...that's all...I don't require ridiculously expensive flowers, or candy, though both are very nice. I just want to know that the man in my life at the time loved me or at least cared enough about me to purchase a card and surprise me with it on Valentine's Day... The card is the best part! The flowers die and the candy makes me fat.

My poor husband....I know he dreads this time of year. And I want to apologize to him for all the years of unrealistic expectations and pressure (though I hope the new Sports Illustrated Swim Suit edition I gave him helps). And I want to thank him for hitting it out of the park this year!! Flowers, candy, a teddy bear, and jewelry....Man oh man...Ian what's his name loves me...and he is going to get some later!

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. What a great day - an opportunity show appreciation for the ones we love. I think we need more days like this!
