Thursday, June 30, 2011


Va·ca·tion  (v-kshn)- according to Webster's Dictionary, is defined as a period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation. We take a vacation every summer. Our annual trip usually involves going to California. Sometimes it is just to Disneyland, just to the beach, or both. Every year, I spend weeks preparing to be off work for a week, arranging for someone to watch our dog and our house, making sure the kids have everything they need, etc...I spend so much time rushing around and stressing out that by the time we go on "vacation" I am exhausted and yes I will admit it, bitchy!

This has been a stressful year for me and I promised myself, my BFF, my sisters, my kids, and my therapist, that this year I was going to ENJOY vacation. Let things go...pray to God for patience and strength to deal with whiny tired kids and husband. Those of you that know me and my inability to sit still, relax, shut my mind off and just BE in the moment, know that asking me to actually devote time to pleasure, rest, and relaxation, is like asking Brittany Spears to stop wearing hair ain't gonna happen.

But this year, this year I promised! I let go...I put my work cell phone down, let calls go to voicemail, and have LOVED and ENJOYED every smile, giggle, tear, and moment of this vacation! Making this vacation about my kids and their happiness has actually resulted in my absolute relaxation and joy!

My life will be there when I get back...

Who knew?

This picture illustrates how simple it is to be a happy kid and how as adults, perhaps we need to "hug the ocean" more often!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

8 of my favorite things...

My BFF the Queen always has such great blog ideas so I'm totally stealing this from her. I haven't blogged in a while. Now that I am newly self diagnosed insomniac, I thought blogging would help clear my head so I can get more than 4 hours of continuous here goes, 8 of my favorite things..why 8? Well, 8 has always been my lucky number, so it fits. Kind of like my shoe size in 5th grade! We can talk about my early growth spurt and the extreme body issues it caused me later..

It is hard to choose only 8 things as there are so many things I love. Hell, I could make a fortune reviewing all of the beauty products I have tried and loved! Anyhow, here goes, 8 of my favorite things:

1. The sound of my daughters laughter. Baby girl has the most infectious giggle on the planet! I remember the first time I heard it. I was putting lotion on her after her bath and I leaned down into her beautiful face and made a silly sound and she rewarded my silliness with the biggest belly giggle, and by reaching up and pulling my hair (ouch). Me, my son, and my husband spent the next 6 weeks making the face and the sound. If it was on video, Bob Saget would be handing me a $10,000 check!

2. Waking up to the sound of rain. Living in the desert, rain is a rare thing. Rain on a weekend when you don't have to get out of bed and go anywhere is a treat! Rain has an amazing affect on my mood. It may put some people in a funk, but it lifts my spirits in a way I cannot describe.

3. The smell of lilacs and orange blossoms. When I was little, my nana had lilac trees in the front of her house. The smell was incredible. To this day, the smell of lilac, if only in the form of an air freshener or a candle, brings me back to being 5 years old and outside playing in her yard and climbing her giant trees. She had the BEST climbing trees in her yard!! Lilacs do not grow in the desert, however, citrus trees are in abundance, and in the spring, they blossom. The smell is absolutely intoxicating, and they are like smelling salts to me. It only lasts for about two weeks in March/April and I look forward to it every year. Gold Canyon candles are the only thing that come close to recreating both scents albeit artificially, I still love the smell.

4. Reading . I've blogged before, my passion for reading. If I could, I would read all day long, every day of the week. Not sure why, but I do most of my reading from May-September. I will read close to 20 books in this 4 month period. I will sit on my patio or by the pool reading for hours. My mother instilled my love for books. It started the summer in between 4th and 5th grade where I read every Helen Keller book the library had to offer. What I now love is that my daughter LOVES to read too! I'm an awesome parent!

5. My electric mixer- Probably one of the best gifts my husband ever gave me. To say that I love to bake is like saying the Mona Lisa is just a piece of art. Baking is the one thing that truly makes me happy and relieves stress. I use my mixer more than I use any other appliance in my house! I love recipes that actually call for the use of an electric mixer.  I've been called Martha Stewart, Betty Crocker, etc. I love finding new recipes to wow my friends and family with. Baking is good for my soul....maybe not my ass, but there's always risk I guess. :)

6. Iced Skinny Vanilla Lattes: this one is a new addition to my favorite things list. More like an addiction. I have at least one an afternoon. Seeing that they are $5 a pop at Starbucks, I've had to start making my own! Note: I've been warned by my team that I am no longer allowed to have caffeine after Noon. I guess I'm a bit ab with too much caffeine...whoops..

7. The beach- every summer we take the kids to the beach in San Diego. I'm not sure why, but more than Disneyland and Sea World, I look forward to these trips just for the ocean. There is something so calming about sitting on the beach watching my kids play in the water and the sand, burying my son in the sand, digging ditches that get washed away as fast as you dig, and or building sand castles. My dream is to own a house on the beach when I retire so I can sit in the sand with a glass of wine and watch the sunset every night...well, maybe not wine every night...but you get my point.

8. Being 40...I know this is not a thing, but I love the feeling of being a strong 40 year old woman. It just feels powerful for reasons I cannot explain. I have learned so much from my last 3 decades, built a family, a career, a life, gained some friends, lost some friends..etc..... I am actually excited to see what my 4th decade on this planet holds for me. Having lost both of my parents in the last 5 years, makes want to enjoy every moment of my life! Which probably explains some of the decisions I have made this last year. And while I am currently in a transition period in my life, I know I can use the wisdom I have gained in the last 40 years (well 20 years because let's be honest, who learns anything about how to deal with life before they are 20?) to make smarter choices in my life to be happy.

There you have it...8 random things I love...

Next on the blog roll...
  • My breathtaking visit to the Grand Canyon and marking off an item from my bucket list
  • The MRI experience tomorrow with my son who is going through testing for nervous ticks and to rule out Tourettes and anything neurological
  • My day at the water park (SunSplash) with my son and my two nephews post MRI...( #9...I LOVE the waterpark and am sooo excited to be "cool" mom and aunt Andrea all day!
Stay tuned...